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Happy International Women's Day

I wrote this post last March, and because it is still relevant, I'll kick off my blog reposting it.

Happy International Women's Day.

I am celebrating today because I made it.

I managed to marry the man I love, bring my life from Brazil to the US, shift my career completely to become an entrepreneur in a foreign country, and get back to school at Harvard – all after turning 40 years old.

I could not be prouder of myself.

So I invite you to celebrate the women in your life.

Celebrate yourself. And celebrate all the others too.

Those who paved the way, before you even existed.

Those who hired you, promoted you, gave you credit, and believed in you.

The women who pushed you to take the next big step. The ones who challenged you and made you review your beliefs.

Those who are coming after you, and trusting that their way is already better because you are there to ensure it is.

I invite you to celebrate women who were laid off, who took leaves and were let go, and who had a pay cut. They are true heroes, handling it.

I invite you to celebrate women for being passionate, communal, empathic, and so unique in their way to lead. For juggling work and home tasks and study and family care and self-care. Phew!

Let's celebrate how bold, brave, and wonderful we are.

Not just today, but every day.

But if you are celebrating all that for the first time, choose today.

It is a great one to be your first.

Cheers 🥂


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